National Fire Academy Rhode Island Weekend July 12 - July 24, 2024
By Chief Richard Susi
February 14, 2024
The NFA State Weekend offers firefighters the opportunity to experience the National Fire Academy’s educational offerings and share in the many amenities that the National Fire Academy has to offer. Students spend two days in the classroom sharing and learning new subject materials. This year the weekend is not only Rhode Island and South Carolina students: we are welcoming Kentucky students, too! On Saturday evening a short memorial service is held at the National Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial to honor Rhode Island’s fallen firefighters. Firefighters can network and meet new friends from the Kentucky and South Carolina Fire Services at the Friday evening social, the meals and in the recreation centers. It’s a full weekend experience that will leave you with a positive outlook. The National Fire Academy is everyone’s fire academy. All firefighters should take advantage of it and enjoy the experience.